Thursday, June 28, 2007

Degrees of Twaddle

Several projects on the go at present.

1. Producing thin coloured slabs for use in mosaic work. This is relatively striaght forward.

2. Batch of saucers for my small cups. Going OK, just need to get the size right.

3. Still trying to get these slip cast forms right. So far I've tried three different slips and have had to resort to making it myself using plastic clay, soda ash and sodium silicate. The latter comes in a variety of strengths, measured in degrees of twaddle. It's a lovely phrase! I now have a small set of electronic scales accurate to 0.01g - thanks to ebay of course.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Workshop in June

It's a lovely sunny day here. I'm making good progress on my new website which I hope to have up and running this month, with lots of pictures of my work and a link to an ebay shop. I don't expect to sell huge amounts via the web, but I won't sell any if it's not there, and even my basic website has attacted some customers.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Up in the trees

Wow wood is expensive - looking at building a treehouse for the kids. I've been promising for a year or two now. Guess it's time to bite the bullet! Pictures to follow.

Monday, June 04, 2007

Time flies

I can't believe it's two weeks since I last posted. Have made some saucers and mended a dragon's tooth. The latter was an unusual request by a chap who called in with a Chinese pottery dragons head that was chipped. It is from a Chinese restaurant. I think I've done a reasonable job using Milliput. There's no predicting what people will ask for. I'll try to get a picture of the dragon's head.