Advent underway

Well the children have been opening the flaps on the advent calendar, so Christmas is on it's way. We have some lights up in the window and some tinsel laying about the place. I notice I've not posted for a week or two. I meant to write often. Some days I get some poting done and others I don't. Been out and made 12 eggcups today, and 4 mugs. All orders. Picture shows a sample eggcup.
What a gorgeous egg cup. We (meaning Americans) seldom eat soft-boiled eggs-scrambled, over-easy, poached, hard-boiled, but not soft. However, that's how I first ate eggs in Germany as a child. That is also where we definitely celebrated Advent, and also had Advent Calendars. I'm glad your family does these things. Thank you for the reminders.
Americans don't have advent calendars?
Thanks for the comments Trailbee
Not the same way you or Germans have them. My children were really entranced when I bought the first one. Advent is a very unique celebration, and I sometimes think that it takes a back seat to the "holiday" madness that overcomes us. I think it's different this year, because of the war and religious strife around the world. Yours was the only mention of Advent I have seen, other than in a church.Thanks.
Merry Christmas, Paul Fricker!
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