Start the week

Another rainy day here in Buckingham. Thanks to Mike Mason for taking a bunch of photos for me. I'll use a selection of these over time - here's the first one; me in the workshop throwing a large mug. Mike has a website over at
Hmm - not sure how to make that an active link - just copy and paste it for now, sorry.
So today I've rewired my small kiln with some fresh elements from the nice chaps at Northern Kilns. I told them what I wanted and they custom made them for me. Seems to work OK so far!
Tomorrow I have Croperdy WI (Women's Institute) coming over for a visit - a demo and talk and cup of tea. Not done an event like that before, might be a bit cramped in my workshop, but I'm sure it'll be fine.
Can't believe I didn't see this! Photos always add something special. Hope the visit went well in your cramped quarters. They'll talk about that for eons! Trips like that leave such wonderful memories and feelings.
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